Once I discovered an unbelievably simple way to create panoramas using Windows Live Photogallery and, of course, I wanted to show results to friends.
I don't like flash at all, but Silverlight is not accessible sometimes (freebsd, linuxes, ipads and other relicts), so I chose JQuery.
After ten minutes of browsing internet, I found ready to use jquery plugin by Liviu Holhos. It was just as I need, simple and open source, but there was weird scrolling, so I fixed it. There was a number of contributions from another people either.
Sadly, Liviu has decided to abandon his open project and to make plugin commercial. I think, it would be just fair to publish old version, polished by community.
The picture below is a panorama, and you can scroll it using mouse wheel or drag. Take a look at a fullpage demo.